Call of duty cold war nouvelle map zombie
Call of duty cold war nouvelle map zombie

As for enemies, there’s a skull-faced zombie that looks like it’s harnessing the power of the Dark Aether to empower other zombies around it. In the trailer, the developer also shows off a weapon that fires several mini-rockets at a time, and a space-age pistol that seems to mow down zombies in a flash.

call of duty cold war nouvelle map zombie

There might also be an automated robot that players can activate to take some pressure off, if the zombies get a little too overwhelming. It also seems like the new map will have secret areas to explore and traps to activate. There are plenty of buildings with rooftops to traverse, as well as a subway with deadly highspeed trains. But it seems that the map will be big enough to give players plenty of space to maneuver.

call of duty cold war nouvelle map zombie

Mauer Der Toten is set in an area of Berlin totally overrun by Zombies. The new map is called Mauer Der Toten, and it will be a free update for Black Ops Cold War when it’s released next week. The first trailer for Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War’s latest Zombies map sends players back to Berlin, Germany to fight undead hordes.

Call of duty cold war nouvelle map zombie